Still possibility to go back to quarantine in areas where contagion is rapid

The Minister of Health Rosario Turner warned today that given the speed of spread of contagion in some townships, establishing sanitary fences or returning to more severe measures such as quarantine are not ruled out.

60% of the townships have zero cases of Covid-19, however there are 23 townships that have an Rt higher than 1, which leads us to reflect on the responsibility we have to assume as individuals, as a family and as citizens, Minister Turner said.

The national government has taken the decision to establish multi-sectoral strategies, among which this much-needed coordination of the MINSA and the Social Security Fund, will be present in these communities, to expand coverage and care for the population most at risk and also to take the evidence we are acquiring to do the required screening.

Turner called on the general population to take responsibility for washing their hands, wearing the mask and avoiding crowds, because it is a shared responsibility.



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