Schools to return to 'new normal' in two phases; planned start is in July

The Minister of Education, Maruja Gorday de Villalobos, presented to the Education Commission of the National Assembly, the strategic plan for schools to deal with the coronavirus pandemic.

Gorday de Villalobos, stressed that the recovery of the school year will be semi-face-to-face, but there is still no region or starting date. The transition will be done in phases.

Gorday de Villalobos reminded that the return to the classrooms will depend on what the Ministry of Health decides.

The Minister of Education announced that this May 29 the intersectoral table will be installed for the gradual return to classrooms, and a starting date will be determined by the Ministry of Health. The table will be made up of academics, regional and local authorities, and the institutions that allow each community to make the necessary adjustments based on it.

The minister also expressed that the restart of the school year would be carried out in two phases and that a proposal for an emergency curriculum would be ready on May 29.

The first phase is projected for July with virtual classes. Then the phased return to schools would be start. According to the plan the transition would be between July and September 2020.

The restart of classes will be carried out two in phases: the first will be remote and blended, which includes modules, printed guides, radio, television, platforms and other instant messaging mechanisms, and face-to-face return, Meduca reported.

Phase 3 will consist of the development of the year 2021 post emergency, with a duration of between 6 to 8 months and with the capacity to adjust to any interruption.

The Minister added that this strategy is accompanied by an action plan that in turn is going to be developed into a master plan that is being worked on with Unicef ​​and which has 8 very specific objectives:

1. The development of strategies during the suspension of classes.
2. Measures for the restart of classes and the recovery of the 2020 school year.
3. Comprehensive measures for vulnerable groups, those who are excluded, those who are invisible, we speak of groups in the region, social risk, people with disabilities, pregnant minors, youth and adults, since the theory says that between 10 and 15 % drop out, that is to say dropout would increase significantly, especially for middle education levels.
4. Adjusting the presidential programs that chart that route to lower levels of poverty and inequality.
5. To establish mechanisms to have biosecurity in the 2020-2021 school period, a protocol is being worked on and a table will be installed.
6. The organization of the 2021 school year because when it is dosed in an emergency curriculum there are many contents that remain to be developed in the following year.
7. The development of regulatory and legal measures according to the needs, for example, there is no defined policy of how the structure of distance education is established, the trajectory policies, which are the policies that contain the students and guarantee all the resources so that they do not leave the system.
8. The policies of developing virtual platforms in educational settings according to their contexts and culture.

The Minister of Education highlighted that there are about 179,000 registered students, more than 7,000 teachers and 527 schools, are currently using the remote access through digital platforms.

Classes were suspended on March 11, after it was determined that crowds pose a threat to the country after the arrival of COVID-19.

Nearly 200 private schools have filled out the form required by the ministry, to validate the teaching process that they have maintained virtually.



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