Minsa issues over 3000 humanitarian safe-conducts that allow transfer between provinces

To date, the Ministry of Health (Minsa) has issued a total of 3,403 humanitarian safe-conducts for medical care, according to Nadja Porcell, director of Health of the entity.

According to Porcell, the document detailing the time of use and destination, is suitable for people who must move from one province to another, for health reasons, since public transport is limited and the mobilization of people will depend exclusively of a document that supports the trip.

The health entity sent a notification to the administration of the Albrook Transportation Terminal, in which it is argued that mobility facilitates the transmission of COVID-19, for this reason, the land port suspended travel to the interior of the country to people that do not have a permit certified by the Minsa.

He added that the Minsa only issues humanitarian safe-conduct, and any other must be issued by the competent authority according to the activity.

Porcell reiterated that carriers have an obligation to indicate which seats should be occupied and it is recommended that only 50% or 60% of the vehicle be occupied, and invited citizens to be responsible and avoid boarding buses if they perceive that they are not respect hygiene or distance measures.

She concluded by saying that the quarantine has not been lifted, only a few measures have been relaxed.



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