Block 2 will open Monday June 1; relaxation in curfew rules

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The President ordered the reactivation of the construction of public works, non-metallic mining and industries, starting next Monday, June 1.

Temples, parks and sports and social areas may open, but only use 25% of their capacity and keeping the distance of two meters between people. All these activities have been suspended since March 25, when the total curfew, enacted by the President, came into effect in the face of the coronavirus pandemic.

This was communicated on Tuesday, May 26, at the conclusion of the Cabinet Council in the Presidency of the Republic. The measure was announced by Minster of Health, Rosario Turner and Minister of Commerce and Industries, Ramón Martínez. They were accompanied by Doris Zapata and Juan Pino, ministers of Labor and Security.

In addition, a relaxation was announced in the quarantine that was established in the country due to the pandemic caused by Covid-19. The curfew will now be from 7:00 PM to 5:00 AM. The exit restriction by gender and ID number is eliminated.

Children will be able to circulate from 4:00 to 7:00 pm, with their parents. The use of the mask is mandatory.

President Laurentino Cortizo elaborated an economic revival plan, divided into six blocks. The first of these was reactivated on May 13, and includes e-commerce, mechanical and spare parts workshops, technical services, aquaculture and artisanal fishing.

The Health Minister calculated that the lives of some 6,000 people have been saved, thanks to the quarantine. Reopening is possible due to the low contagion rate, the capacity of the health system and the tests carried out.

There is no date yet for the reopening of block 3. Minister Martínez indicated that this will depend on the behavior of blocks 1 and 2.

The Minister of Labor referred to the formation of health committees, mandatory for all companies that want to reopen. Each committee should have from 2 to 6 members, depending on the number of employees. Businesses with more than 41 workers must have a six-person health committee.

These committees must guarantee that the personnel have personal protective equipment (mask, gel), follow suspected cases of contagion, identify high-risk areas and maintain the confidentiality of all information, among other functions.

The block 3 includes construction in the private sector, the retail trade (shopping centers) and the wholesale, car sales, professional services (beauty salons, car washes) and administrative services.



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