22 deaths in 24 hours reported in Panama due to COVID-19

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The Ministry of Health (Minsa) announced on Thursday, July 2, that 774 new cases add the total to 35,237 cases of the virus in Panama. According to the official report, the coronavirus has left a total of 667 dead in the country.

According to the official data, the total number of infected with the virus in the country is now 35,237 while 16,445 patients have clinically recovered from the disease. There are currently 18,125 active cases.


A total of 22 new deaths were recorded over 24 hours, which brings the total to 667. The death rate is currently 1.89% of the infected.

Note: Minsa has not reported the breakdown of deaths by gender, age and cause of death for the past days.


2,352 new tests were conducted in since the last report, of which 32.9% were positive. The number of total tests is now 135,801, of which 97,666 were negative.

Testing rate is reported to cover 3,174 per 100,000 population.


16,508 patients are in home isolation and 673 are in so-called hospital hotels.

The Ministry of Health also reported that 795 are in the hospital ward and 149 in the intensive care units.


Positive COVID-19 cases by age group:

<20 years old: 4,240
20-39 years old: 15,476
40-59 years old: 11,145
60-79 years old: 3,657
>80 years old: 719

Deaths by age group:

<20 years old: 12
20-39 years old: 40
40-59 years old: 138
60-79 years old: 202
>80 years old: 175

Breakdown by provinces

Cases by provinces: Panama 21,781, Panama Oeste 6,144, Colón 1,532, Chiriquí 1,476, Veraguas 1,176, Bocas del Toro 1,165, Darién 961, Ngäbe Buglé 343, Coclé 295, Guna Yala 261, Herrera 72 and Los Santos 31.

Health personnel

The Minsa reported that it is working on the call for the recruitment of suitable health personnel as well as on the adaptation of various wards in the network of public hospitals for the care required by Covid-19 patients.

The call is advanced based on legal requirements, in order to comply with the corresponding terms to meet these requirements, always complying with the provisions of the National Emergency, said a statement.

The Deputy Minister of Health, Ivett Berrío visited the Nicolás Solano Hospital on Thursday, in order to know the condition of that medical center and verify the progress of two wards that will be enabled to serve the population of West Panama, one of the most affected by the Covid-19.

The health minister, Luis Francisco Sucre, together with the Social Security Fund (CSS) have implemented the inter-hospital coordination strategy, the objective of which is to guarantee the adequate administration of resources at the national level through the Inter-Hospital Control Center.



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