1,166 new COVID-19 cases and 27 deaths in 24 hours in Panama

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The Ministry of Health (Minsa) announced on Sunday, July 5, that there are total of 38,149 cases of the virus in Panama. According to the official report, the coronavirus has left a total of 747 dead in the country.

According to the official data, the total number of infected with the virus in the country is now 38,149, while 17,986 patients have clinically recovered from the disease. There are currently 19,416 active cases.


A total of 27 new deaths were recorded over 24 hours, which brings the total to 747. The death rate is currently 1.96% of the infected.

Note: Minsa has not reported the breakdown of deaths by gender, age and cause of death for the past days.


3,635 new tests were conducted in since the last report, of which 31% were positive. The number of total tests is now 144,918, of which 103,818 were negative.

Testing rate is reported to cover 3,387 per 100,000 population.


17,759 patients are in home isolation and 661 are in so-called hospital hotels.

The Ministry of Health also reported that 843 are in the hospital ward and 153 in the intensive care units.


Positive COVID-19 cases by age group:

<20 years old: 4,599
20-39 years old: 16,699
40-59 years old: 12,083
60-79 years old: 3,993
>80 years old: 775

Deaths by age group:

<20 years old: 12
20-39 years old: 46
40-59 years old: 152
60-79 years old: 334
>80 years old: 203

Breakdown by provinces

Cases by provinces: Panama 23,443, Panama Oeste 6,678, Colón 1,777, Chiriquí 1,676, Veraguas 1,254, Bocas del Toro 1,218, Darién 1,021, Ngäbe Buglé 374, Coclé 327, Guna Yala 265, Herrera 82 and Los Santos 34.



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