United States formally withdraws from WHO

The Trump Administration formally withdrew the United States from the World Health Organization (WHO), complying with the threats it made on several occasions by criticizing the entity for its response to the pandemic, a US senator reported Tuesday.

"The United States Congress received notification that the president officially withdrew the United States from WHO in the midst of a pandemic ," Democratic Senator Bob Menéndez said on Twitter.

The United States is the largest donor to the WHO, an organization that leads the global fight against diseases such as polio, measles and also against mental health epidemics.

Trump accused the WHO of covering up the magnitude of the coronavirus pandemic and said that the organization's positions are very close to China, where the virus emerged in December and a country that he also blames for its spread.

After several threats by Trump to suspend contributions in the order of $400 million annually, the US president finally notified the UN secretary general, Antonio Guterres, that his country is beginning the withdrawal process from the health organization, a spokesman for the Department of State reported.

The United States is the country with the most deaths from the coronavirus, with more than 130,306 deaths and facing an increase in infections in the south and west of the country.

The withdrawal will be effective in one year - July 6, 2021 - so if Joe Biden, Trump's Democratic rival in the November elections wins, he could suspend this decision.

"This is not going to protect the lives or interests of Americans, it leaves them sick and lonely," said Democratic Senator Bob Menendez, who said that calling Trump's response to the pandemic chaotic and irresponsible.



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