TravelTime is ready to serve incoming travelers to Cayman Islands

All persons wishing to travel to, from and within the Cayman Islands, whether by air or sea, are asked to reconfirm their intentions and desire to travel through a Government online application.

With the winding down of the National Emergency Operations Centre and Curfewtime, the Ministry of International Trade, Investment, Aviation and Maritime Affairs (MITIAMA) has been charged with the responsibility of policy formation, coordination and operations of repatriation flights to and from the Cayman Islands until the borders are reopened to normal commercial travel. In addition to coordinating travel, the MITIAMA team is also responsible for the management of the Government Isolation facilities.

In an effort to streamline travel during this time, all individuals are directed to a single point of contact for registration – Use of the new form will facilitate communication between all participating agencies leading to a more thorough and efficient response to travel applications.

Thousands of persons have already been repatriated to and from the Cayman Islands over the past two months, however the need for additional travel is anticipated for a myriad of reasons. The TravelTime team has assumed this responsibility today, 1st July 2020, and is actively working on the nine repatriation flights scheduled to and from Grand Cayman today through 11th July 2020. The nine round trip flights scheduled are to and from London, England; Miami, Florida; and Kingston, Jamaica.

The public is reminded of the Government policy that requires all persons returning to the Cayman Islands to isolate for 14 days in a Government isolation facility.

Persons who have applied under the original emergency travel process, and awaiting confirmation of a travel date and flight, are asked to reconfirm their intentions and desire to travel via TravelTime web app.

Flights after the 11th of July are being arranged and will be offered based on demand via the registration process at TravelTime.



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