Students show appreciation for seniors

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Some 30 seniors from the George Town community received much love and appreciation from students at George Town Primary School this week.

Simply called ‘Seniors Appreciation Day’, the near hour-and-a-half gathering on Tuesday found seniors being showered with gratitude for their contributions to Cayman society.

The students dined and sang with seniors and presented them with gifts.

Alvernie Watson, 94, and Crosby Walton, 84, received gift baskets for being the oldest female and male in the group, respectively. The students also presented gifts to Mavis Morris, 78, for being the best baker of custard-top cornbread, and Jane Ramoon, 79, for making the best corned beef sandwiches. Husband and wife Myrtle, 82, and Oswald Tomas, 81, claimed the prize for being married the longest, at 56 years.

“We appreciate your role in the George Town community … the society is largely dependent on you and we need you to continue to build this great country; our children they need you,” said school principal Sharon Campbell-Danvers. “It was our duty to offer help to our seniors but society has changed and the school is working to rebuild these values so that our students can understand how precious you are to us.”

Savannah Seventh-day Adventist pastor Kevin Danvers told the older citizens they were special and unique, and the contributions they have made to the country are invaluable. He wished them God’s blessings, health and strength as they went along their way.



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