'Sign that document, borrow the money & lets get on with it'- Hon Vanterpool - accused Gov't of fooling the people over UK Loan Guarantee concerns

Even as Premier and Minister of Finance, Hon Andrew A. Fahie (R1) in a press conference yesterday afternoon, September 17, 2019, had called his trip to the UK a success on behalf of the territory, Opposition Member Mark H. Vanterpool (R4) is still pushing for the UK Loan Guarantee agreement to be signed as is, so that the territory can move forward with its rebuilding.

The Member for the Fourth District was at the time speaking at the Enis Adams Primary School in Meyers Estate, Tortola, last evening, September 17, 2019 when the series of Opposition meetings continued on the topic.

UK only trying to help - Hon Vanterpool

"We need to take this money and get on with it, we can't be going back and forth forever trying to determine what we think is best and how we can deal with it, we can't continue telling people about how people want to mortgage our future and our people... whatever that means," Hon Vanterpool told the small gathering at the primary school.

Ahead of his trip to the UK, Premier and Minister of Finance in an August 17, 2019, statement has said, “The issues that we face is whether we are prepared to mortgage our birthright in order for the British government to provide the guarantee needed for us to access this critically needed funding.”

However, according to Mr Vanterpool, "I believe that the United Kingdon Government is trying to help us to rebuild our country... I wish, I really wish you will get on with it!" he lashed out in an indirect reference to Premier and Minister of Finance, Hon Fahie.

Premier Fahie yesterday indicated that the UK has agreed to address the issues, including concerns of borrowing ratios.

Gov't fooling people - Hon Vanterpool

Further, noting to the territory has enough skills to get on with its rebuilding, Hon Vanterpool charged, "To be fooling the people out there that the money is going to go somewhere else, come on... let's be fair."

Other Opposition members, including Hon Alvera Maduro-Caines, have expressed concern over the Recovery and Development Agency (RDA) and its exclusion of locals; however, Hon Vanterpool said the United Kingdom has set up a system that he believes can be used to develop the territory using suggestions from Virgin Islanders.

"I just want to implore the government, to lets quickly get on with what we have to do and really sign that document, borrow that money and let get on with it."

He said his intention is not to fuss and fight, rather, to do what is best for the territory.

'Fools rush in where angels fear to tread'- Hon Fahie

Meanwhile, speaking at the press conference yesterday, Hon Fahie reiterated that this special loan guarantee being offered by the Government of the UK is an opportunity for the VI to get cheaper lending rates for any loans sought for the recovery; however, while this is noteworthy, some of the conditions come with a high price down the road, and therefore required renegotiation.

"Some of the loudest voices, who suddenly have all the answers today, did not consider these issues when they were in the seat negotiating on this very same matter.

"They were at the centre of the unfortunate circumstances that led to the very stringent conditions being imposed on the BVI between 2012 and 2017, and beyond. They are not owning up to that. Instead they are pretending to be innocent as if they were nowhere around and have just landed white as snow."

According to Hon Fahie, they are demanding that this new government provide them with information on the very terms and conditions that they negotiated, alleging that the current government is hiding information when the fact remains that certain information was not as readily available in the Ministries as they ought to have been.

He added that some of these missing documents were only obtained after the UK government included them as attachments in their responses to his Administration's letters of concern.

"Ladies and gentlemen, it is said that fools rush in where angels fear to tread. And the facts and hindsight prove that your Government was right not to bow to the pressure from those quarters to rush in.

"We were right to take a pause, to consult with you the people, to listen to our instincts, to meet with the officials of HM Treasury, the FCO and the Overseas Territories Minister, to ventilate our concerns and to ask for the conditions to be renegotiated in the best interest of the people of the Virgin Islands – as we have successfully done on this trip, to obtain maximum protection for the interests of the people of the BVI," Premier Fahie declared.



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