RVIPF Successfully Conducts Major Operation, Arrests 5 and Seizes Significant Amount of Cannabis

A major operation was carried out by the Armed Response Team and the Road Policing Unit of the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) over the weekend, resulting in the arrests of five individuals and the seizure of a significant amount of cannabis.

The operation, which concluded at around 4am on Sunday morning, was aimed at disrupting illegal activities in hotspots across the island.

During the operation, which involved searches of over 30 persons, eight scooters were also seized.

The RVIPF has revealed that several more operations are planned for the coming months, in an effort to maintain law and order and keep the community safe.

Acting Chief Inspector of the Operations Division, Dean Robin, praised the team for their long hours and dedication to the operation.

He also noted that many residents came out to show their support and appreciation for the officers.

The RVIPF continues to work tirelessly to maintain law and order and keep the community safe.

The Virgin Islands Platinum News congratulates the RVIPF on a successful operation and looks forward to reporting on future efforts to combat crime and keep the community safe.

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