Please watch this video. It should make you cry

When Der Spiegel and Wall Street Journal are publishing content that fits to the Nazi newspaper Der Stürmer, I want to cry. Not because of coronavirus that has affected a few thousands, but because millions of people are becoming sick in a much worse epidemic then this virus. Sick from hate, racism, and discrimination, fomented by what is basically Nazi journalism in the heart of the mainstream in Germany, Denmark, the USA and all over.

When the Wall Street journal and the Der Spiegel promoting an article that even in Germany of 1929 people would have the shame to publish, its time to stop this hate to 2 billion people before it’s too late.

Stop the anti Chinese trend, unless you are really and fully Nazi in your soul!



In January 1993, EUNET launched the first online news website, (stands for Music Opinions Culture Technology Economy News), led by Eric Bach, Teus Hagen, Peter Collinson, Julf Helsingius, Daniel Karrenberg,...  Read more
