Health Minister Luis Francisco Sucre met today with the Medical Advisory Committee that was formed at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic by former Health Minister Rosario Turner.
Ministry of Health (Minsa) reported that the meeting sought to continue developing actions against the pandemic.
Since his appointment to the Health Minister, this is Sucre's first meeting with this team of doctors; Rodrigo DeAntonio, Julio Sandoval, Javier Nieto, Jorge Luis Prósperi, Reynaldo Chandler, Xavier Sáez-Llorens, among others.
During the meeting, it was decided to dissolve the Advisory Committee and assign specific functions to doctors, including Xavier Sáez-Llorens, Rodrigo DeAntonio, Julio Sandoval, Reynaldo Chandler, Jorge Luis Prosperi and Javier Nieto .
The Director of the Social Security Fund, Enrique Lau Cortés and the Minister Councilor of Health, Eyra Ruiz, were also present in the meeting. Both are part of the Advisory Health Council formed yesterday to also seek solutions to the pandemic.
Ruiz was appointed as technical secretary of this advisory group and that was created a day after Turner's departure from Minsa, and which reports directly to President Cortizo.
Lau Cortés stressed that the scope of the new Consultative Council to avoid dual functions was explained to doctors and that "work commissions" were created with specific tasks for specialists.
For his part, Sáez-Llorens described the meeting as "productive and cordial." "We dissolved the advisory group and restructured our roles to provide input in specific thematic areas," said the infectious pediatrician, adding that in his case he will have to contribute to the vaccine investigation.
The Ministry reported that the purpose of the meeting was to "define" and "coordinate" the strategies to collaborate with the Advisory Health Council in reporting to President Laurentino Cortizo .
The new assignments
Julio Sandoval will have to see topics related to hospital capacity; Jorge Luis Prosperi, with the traceability of the cases; Xavier Sáez-Llorens, with the investigation of vaccines, and Juan Pascale, with the subject of the tests.