White House staff 'told to avoid coming to work' as George Floyd protests resume

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Crowds take part in demonstrations in the capital's center despite lock-down restrictions after a night of protests in the US. Protests have taken place in cities across the US over the assassination of George Floyd, an unarmed black man by a white policeman. Nearly 1,700 people have been arrested across 22 cities. Eleven people have been arrested at a protest in London. Donald Trump says the US will declare Antifa (Anti Fascism) as a terrorist organization. The National Guard is deployed or put on standby in 12 US states. Human rights origination asks the U/S/ government to stop attacking the right to protest with a heavy loaded army.






In January 1993, EUNET launched the first online news website, MOCTEN.com (stands for Music Opinions Culture Technology Economy News), led by Eric Bach, Teus Hagen, Peter Collinson, Julf Helsingius, Daniel Karrenberg,...  Read more
