In court: Vogel, Welter, and Clt-Ufa on trial for invoking hate

Six years ago, lawyer Gaston Vogel wrote an open letter to the municipality of Luxembourg City demanding that something be done against organised groups of Hungarian beggars.

In this letter, Vogel described the beggars as "disgusting" and "scum", among other things. The letter drew waves of criticism from members of the population, as well as from Hungarian embassy officials, after which Vogel issued a statement to distance himself from any forms of xenophobia.

At the same time, the lawyer apologised for his language, but underlined that it had been necessary to change something about the issue. Following the publication of the letter, the prosecutor's office released a statement to underline that freedom of opinion is a basic right, but that it also has its limitations.

Soon after, the Human Rights League decided to sue Gaston Vogel, as well as a former journalist from Journal and Clt-Ufa for spreading the respective letter.

The trial for discrimination and invoking hate began on Friday and saw Luxembourg City Mayor Lydie Polfer, councilman Laurent Mosar, and the lead investigator deliver a statement.

A second day in court is scheduled for 15 October.