iPhone owners frustrated by iOS 13 update

Apple's latest update is turning out to be more buggy than most. When will they fix it? Many report battery life, synching, and other issues.

Jeannie McKinley is a busy realtor in who depends on her iPhone 7 for her work.

So she updated to Apple's new iOS 13 as soon as it was out. "I did the update and made sure I could do the update with no problem," she said.

It turned out to be a bad idea.

"I didn't notice anything right away," she said, "but last week when I went to the doctor's office to get my medications and everything, I went to the health app and that was gone. Everything was missing from the health app."

But that was nothing compared to the issue she discovered with photos, where McKinley says many of her important real estate photos were lost.

"I took a picture of the buyer and picture of the seller of one house last week," she said, "and now it is gone!"

Report calls update a "disaster zone"

At least she is not reporting one of the most common complaints with the iOS 13 update: battery life issues, where some owners say their phone goes to low battery mode by 2 or 3 p.m. now.

Forbes Magazine calls the iOS 13 update "rushed," and labels it "a disaster zone."

A report in DigitalTrends.com says reported bugs include:

-Shorter battery life.
-Low volume and dropped calls.
-Lost photos or contacts.
-Third party keyboards no longer working.
-Synch problems with Bluetooth, Apple Watch, Air Pods, and hearing aids, among other devices.

Why so many issues?

The tech site BGR.com says Apple's newest phones are more complex than ever , with tens of millions of lines of code, and are now connected with so many other devices that we own.

Apple has already put out 3 update to iOS 13, and plans another soon, BGR says. Bugs like low volume and hearing aid synching have reportedly been fixed with the latest update.

Jeannie McKinley, like many others with iOS 13 problems, is hoping the next update fixes them without have to upgrade her phone.

"I don't want to have to buy a new phone yet," she said.

Apple is expected to release another update around Halloween, which she hopes fixes most of her issues. As always, don't waste your money.



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