How To Use Telegram Even If It's Blocked By Your Internet Provider

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If you're an avid Telegram user, you might have noticed that the app might appear to be down after a law student from Kerela filed a PIL to scrutinise the messenger's activity in India.

While the Kerela High Court is seeking Centre's guidance in this case, some ISPs have started blocking Telegram in India already.

However, if you still want to continue using Telegram, we've got some simple solutions for you.

Virtual Private Network/ VPN

VPN basically simulates your device to be in a different location so that the network doesn't block your device depending on its location. It is a great way to browse the internet without getting tracked. There are a bunch of VPN apps that you can try.

We recommend OpenVPN on Google Play Store as the app is free to use and the UI is pretty straightforward too. Just select a different country other than India and you're pretty much good to go.

Switching to Desktop App

If you don't want to switch to a VPN, you can also use the desktop app for Telegram from its official website. If your ISP on the PC/Laptop is blocking Telegram too, use VPN on Google Chrome browser extensions to circumvent this.

Add some DNS magic

Additionally, if you want you can even change the DNS (Domain Name System) on your router. To do this, log into your router's admin panel through the gateway or

Next, it'll ask you for a username/password. If you haven't set anything up, chances are it would be admin/admin respectively.

Now locate DNS settings and enter Google's DNS ( and or Cloudfare DNS ( and and you should be able to connect to Telegram without any issues.



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