The deputy administrator of the Panama Tourism Authority (ATP), Denise Guillén confirmed through RPC Radio that from this Friday, July 10, tourism entrepreneurs are able to access biosafety guides, in anticipation when blocks 4 and 6 are reactivated.
Starting today on the Mitradel platform, tourism entrepreneurs are able to access the guides referring to tourist activities in open spaces, marinas, tourist activities in accommodation for political spaces, tourism guides, agrotourism, in short, said Guillén.
The preparation of these guides occurred with the contribution of private companies, the 15 tourist unions and under the parameters of international organizations and the Ministries of Labor and Health; as Guillén pointed out.
These guidelines to the tourism industry were made available today, which includes compliance with labor standards to be followed in this new normal.
The deputy administrator indicated that according to the tourist activity, 11 tourist cards have been prepared and these seek to safeguard both the health of the collaborators and that of the clients.
The ATP assures that it is committed to internal tourism in the open air and with distance, including in this sense promoting points such as Taboga, the Pacific coast (which includes El Valle de Antón), Portobelo and reinforcing other sectors such as Boquete, Tierras Altas, Pedasí and Bocas del Toro, where you can do activities such as whale watching, trail tours, beaches and visits to natural parks.
The tourism sector contributes 15% to the gross domestic product and has 40,000 direct collaborators and more than 10,000 indirect workers in Panama.