I embrace the opportunities as Deputy Premier, says Malone

Health & Social Development Minister Carvin Malone said he intends to embrace the opportunities that his new post as the new Deputy Premier of the Virgin Islands offers. Malone made the remarks at his swearing-in ceremony on Tuesday.

Malone made the remarks at his swearing-in ceremony on Tuesday.

“I accept and embrace the opportunities offered by Premier Fahie to continue the fine representation displayed by the three former Deputy Premiers in this series of rotation. I am proud of my Premier and my colleagues and pledge to uphold the stature and dignity of the office to which I am appointed,” he said.

A lot of work ahead

In the meantime, Malone said he does not anticipate the road ahead in his new post to be easy.

He stated: “It is an understatement to merely say that there is a lot of work to be done for indeed there is tremendous challenges and opportunities abound. I will state without fear of contradictions that thanks to the fine works of Governors and Deputy Governors of past and present and thanks to an evolving transformation process, these challenges and these opportunities that abound would be harnessed, natured and conquered.”

He continued: “Working together the BVI has a bright future. I have full confidence in our Premier; I have full confidence in each of our ministers; senior and junior; I have full confidence in our civil service; I have full confidence in the people of the British Virgin Islands. Together we will continue the rebuilding from the ravages of hurricanes Irma and Maria.”

“We will continue to build our people to maximise the opportunities offered in our Tourism, Financial Services, construction and all emerging industries. Together we will care for and protect our golden gems; our youth and our most vulnerable,” Malone added.

A permanent Deputy Premier is expected to be announced following Malone’s three-month stint.



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