China forex reserves rise to $3.2tn in April 

China's foreign exchange reserves rose to $3.2 trillion in April, up $21 billion from the previous month. The yuan fell against the dollar in April, while the dollar fell against a basket of other major currencies. China's gold reserves also increased, rising to $132.35 billion in value.

The country’s foreign exchange reserves — the world’s largest — rose $21 billion to $3.205 trillion last month, compared with $3.192 trillion tipped by a Reuters poll of analysts and $3.184 trillion in March.

The yuan fell 0.63 percent against the dollar in April, while the dollar last month fell 0.94 percent against a basket of other major currencies.

China held 66.76 million fine troy ounces of gold at the end of April, rising from 66.50 million ounces at end-March.

The value of China’s gold reserves rose to $132.35 billion at the end of April from $131.65 billion at the end-March.



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