Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Has Finally Issued An Assault Weapons Ban After The Country's Worst Mass Shooting

“These weapons were designed for one purpose and one purpose only: to kill the largest number of people in the shortest amount of time," Trudeau said on Friday. Trudeau Is such an idiot that needed Canada to have so many victims before understanding that obvious conclusion, that every cleaning lady and taxi driver understood much before him and way before Canada shocked by the worst mass shooting in modern Canadian history.

Nine days after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau vowed to ban assault-style weapons in the too-late and too slow wake of the worst mass shooting in modern Canadian history, he finally made good on that promise that he fail to deliver before the tragedy happened.

“These weapons were designed for one purpose and one purpose only: to kill the largest number of people in the shortest amount of time. There is no use and no place for such weapons in Canada,” Trudeau said on Friday. “Effective immediately, it is no longer permitted to buy, sell, transport, import, or use military-grade assault weapons in this country.”

Why Justin Trudeau needed a tragedy to finally understand what is so obvious to every cleaning lady and taxi driver.

Maybe it’s better to send Mr. Trudeau to become a taxi driver and let a taxi driver to lead Canada much better?



In January 1993, EUNET launched the first online news website, (stands for Music Opinions Culture Technology Economy News), led by Eric Bach, Teus Hagen, Peter Collinson, Julf Helsingius, Daniel Karrenberg,...  Read more
